With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest. 常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。
There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived. 无疑,成绩提高了,上学的兴趣也恢复了。
Choose your co-managers based on the quality and interest of their research analysts. 根据研究分析师的素质和研究领域选择联席经办人。
If something collapses in the Middle East and interest rates go up we have the potential to go on a downward spiral that we cannot get out of. 如果中东局势失控,并且利率上升,那么我们将陷入螺旋下降中无法自拔。
As a result of the transaction he says he will personally have to pay an additional six-figure amount in taxes and interest. 他个人将不得不为这笔交易额外支付高达六位数的税金和利息。
They continue to forecast imminent Fed tightening, even as the recovery shows signs of slowing and interest rates tumble. 他们还在预测美联储很快就会收紧政策,即便有迹象显示复苏放缓,利率下跌。
Usually, the calligraphic work contains a poem, a pair of couplets or a motto the host likes very much. If the calligraphic work is written by the host himself, it will demonstrates his aspiration and interest as well as his literary or artistic talent. 书写的内容多半是室主人所喜爱的一首诗词、一副对联或一句格言;如果这是他自己所作的,那就更能显示他的志趣和才华了。
Barack Obama's visit attracted intense scrutiny and interest from both Israelis and Palestinians. 奥巴马此次出访中东引发了以色列人和巴勒斯坦人极大的关注和强烈的兴趣。
In the elementary school English teaching, elementary student's determinacy and positivity to a large extent affect by mood and interest at that time. 在小学英语教学中,小学生的坚持性和积极性在很大程度上受当时的情绪和兴趣的影响。
In the same way, their lifetime success and interest lies more in academic achievements than in making money. 也就是说,他们一生的成功与乐趣更多是在于学术上取得的成就而不是赚钱。
Trees and plants are called ornamentals if their main job is to add beauty and interest to a garden. 能为花园增添美景或趣味的树木和植株被称为观赏植物。
Interest accrued during the period of bonds investment and the difference between the amount of principal and interest received on bonds sold and their book cost and interest accrued but not yet received shall be accounted for as current profit and loss. 债券投资存续期内的应计利息,以及出售时收回的本息与债券帐面成本及尚未收回应计利息的差额,应当计入当期损益。
The lesson has not only offered children a physics lesson with knowledge and interest, but also shows the advance in communication technology of China. 这堂物理课不仅让孩子们享受了一堂知识与乐趣兼具的物理课,也显示了我国通信科技的前进。
Lack of sleep causes us to lose concentration and interest in tasks very quickly. 睡眠不足会然后引起注意力的不集中,工作中兴趣的缺乏。
Moreover, the passbook should highlight the automatic deductions, show both the principal reduction and interest paid. 另外,存折应该突出显示自动扣款,以显示减少的本金和所付的利息。
What is the annual gross profit and interest paid for each customer, summarized by branch, product, and region? 按照支行、产品和地区汇总,要付给每位客户的年净利润和利息是多少?
Personalization: Based on your experience level, role, and interest, you can personalize your interface towards the process to focus on what matters to you. 个性化:基于你的经验等级、角色和兴趣,你可以个性化你和过程的界面,从而关注对你有意义的东西。
Since the investment return is a bank-level measure and Interest Paid is a derived measure, the Gross Profit is also a derived measure. 因为投资收益是银行级的测度,而所付利息是派生的测度,所以净利润也是派生的测度。
The creation of communities to share experience and interest in brands or products can lead to increased retention or upsell to related products and services. 创建社区来分享品牌或产品的经验和兴趣,可以导致保持相关产品或服务的关注和销售提升。
The result is ordered by the customer name and interest. 结果根据客户名和投资排列。
Using the information gained during the research process, create questions that show your knowledge and interest. 利用调查中获得的信息,提些能体现学识和兴趣的问题。
Because market prices aggregate traders information, it is difficult to forecast stock prices and interest rates and exchange rates. 因为市场价格集合了所有交易者的信息,所以很难预测股价、利率和汇率等。
Instead be ready to reiterate your strong qualifications and interest in the role. 而是反复强调你对该职位非常感兴趣,并且你非常吻合他们的招聘条件。
They said they discussed the present and future of Chinese movies, and their conclusion is that the movies which are currently hottest in China are those that can provoke social discussion, debate and interest. 他们说,两人讨论过中国电影的当下和未来,他们得出的结论是:当下在中国最火的电影是能制造社会舆论的,引起社会讨论和兴趣点的电影。
His income declaration has in the past included a KGB pension and interest from bank deposits. 过去他的财产申报中包括克格勃津贴和银行存款利息。
These practices startle consumers who think such high fees and interest rates must be against the law. 这些做法令消费者震惊,他们认为这样高的收费和利息肯定违反了法律。
But with the stock market stuck in a rut and interest rates near record lows, they are finding it tougher to justify their price tag. 然而,随着股市陷入低迷、利率也接近于历史低点,理财顾问们发现要证明他们的收费正当合理比以往更难了。
Only a fantasist can seriously believe 'this is not a crisis.' The fiscal arithmetic of excessive federal borrowing is nasty even when relatively optimistic assumptions are made about growth and interest rates. 只有幻想家才能真心相信这不是一场危机。即使对经济增长和利率做出相对乐观的假设,过度联邦借贷的财政计算结果仍然极其糟糕。
Prices have more than doubled since 2008 fuelled by record low interest rates, imported from the US; a buoyant economy, and interest from mainland Chinese buyers. 自2008年以来,香港房价已上涨逾一倍,原因既有美国创纪录的低利率的影响,也因香港富有活力的经济以及中国内地买家的兴趣。
Corporate balance sheets remain piled high with cash and interest rates are at very low levels, making it cheap to raise bond finance. 当前,企业资产负债表上依然有大量现金,利率依然处于极低水平,这让企业可以通过发债筹得廉价资金。